Haslet, Texas

1500 FM 156 South
Haslet, Texas 76052

Sunday Worship

Sunday School 9:15AM
Worship 10:30AM

Online Daily
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Sunday School on Zoom



Welcome to Holy Shepherd!

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away
the sin of the world.

✝ John 1:29


Join us in worshipping our Lord together every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM. When you join us on a Sunday, you’ll find that our worship is both traditional and reverent. We focus on the simple word of God and the timeless message of our Lord’s sacrificial death and resurrection.

New Creations Preschool

Our school affirms each child with love and seeks to instill Christ-centered values. We emphasize the development of skills needed to enter Kindergarten and excel.

Visit New Creations on the web
Sunday School

Every Sunday morning we open our Sunday School at 9:15 AM in the church sanctuary. Members and guests of all ages join together in the singing of a hymn. After a prayer, we dismiss to our individual Sunday School classes held throughout the campus and on zoom. Email us to learn how you can join our Zoom Sunday School.

Men’s Breakfast

Join us the second Saturday of the month at 8 AM for our Men’s Breakfast. We worship, study the scriptures, fellowship, discuss issues pertinent to men and of course, eat!

Seasoned Saints

On the first Tuesday of each month, our “Seasoned Saints” meet in Neece Hall. We begin at 1 PM with a Bible Study and follow up with some desserts and games. As one of our members mentioned, you can come if you’re “unseasoned” too!

Grace Circle

Grace Circle is composed of women who meet monthly for devotions, fellowship and mission planning. Grace Circle meets the third Tuesday of every month from 10AM to 2PM.


Core Beliefs

The central belief of the Lutheran Church is that God sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world to die and rise for the forgiveness of our sins. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.” By believing in Jesus Christ, you will live with God in heaven for all eternity.

The Bible

The Bible is God’s inspired Word. It contains no errors and is the only source for all Christian teachings and beliefs – not the human heart, tradition, other religious books or teachers. The purpose of the Scriptures is to testify that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).

The Trinity

The Bible testifies to the existence of the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit (three distinct persons as one divine being). We subscribe to the explanation of the Trinity as expressed in the three historic creeds of the Christian faith – Apostles’, Nicene and Athanasian.

Welcome Visitors!

Thank you for visiting! We’re excited to meet you and share the love of Christ with you. When you join us on a Sunday, you’ll find that our worship is both traditional and reverent. We focus on the simple word of God and the timeless message of our Lord’s sacrificial death and resurrection. Our church family is composed of people of all ages and backgrounds. We’ve grown from about 40 members in 2004 to over 200 today. Please come and join us as we rejoice in God’s grace and mercy and learn about His plans for all of us.

If you have small children, we offer a nursery/cry room with a viewing window into the sanctuary. A speaker makes the service audio available so you can still follow along.

We do kindly ask all guests from outside the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod to first study the scriptures and teachings of our church before communing. Such classes are offered several times a year by the pastor.

After each worship service, everyone is invited to join us in our fellowship hall (Neece Hall) for some light refreshments and catching up. Thank you for visiting our website.


Holy Shepherd is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)

In the 16th century, the Lutherans drew up a written statement of faith which outlined the differences between their beliefs and those taught by Roman Catholicism. This statement was called “The Augsburg Confession.” Over the course of the next 50 years, the Lutherans produced several more statements of faith which further clarified their beliefs. In 1580, all of these “confessions” were placed into a single binding known as The Book of Concord.

Every church has a statement of faith. Many will publish it in a brochure or on their church’s website. You’ll usually find a number of doctrinal statements along with Biblical references. This web page contains an abbreviated form of the beliefs of the Lutheran Church. A comprehensive statement of our faith (complete with Biblical references) is found in The Book of Concord.

Those who are new to Lutheranism receive instruction about our church’s beliefs and teachings through Adult Catechesis. The word catechesis is derived from a combination of Greek words, which means teaching by word of mouth. In our classes, we cover the differences of all major world religions along with the essential teachings of the Christian faith as delivered to us in the Bible. Questions are encouraged and often lead to interesting discussions. Our classes are composed of people from a variety of denominational backgrounds. We also have some members of our church who enjoy taking them as a refresher. Catechesis is offered three times a year typically in Fall, Spring and Summer.

Traditional Worship

There is this notion in our cultural that what is structured cannot also be spiritual. If you believe so, we would invite you to consider this: The early Jewish worship of God revolved around remembering God’s past acts of deliverance. The Passover was a yearly celebration (ritual?) in which the Jewish people remembered God for bringing them out of Egypt (Deu 16:1, Eze 45:21). The festival of tabernacles pointed to their wanderings in the dessert from which God ultimately brought them into the Promised Land of Israel (Lev 23:43, John 7:2).

With the dawn of the New Testament, early Christians again worshipped God in a way that heralded their deliverance. This time, it wasn’t from Egypt or the wilderness, but from the slavery and bondage to sin. Hymns, prayers, the teachings of the Apostles and the Breaking of Bread were all cited as central elements of early Christian worship (Acts 2:42).

If the entire church exists today because of what Jesus did in giving His life for us, then it seems fitting for worship to revolve around our Lord’s life and death on our behalf. This is what structured or traditional worship offers – an unwavering focus on the Gospel. That is, the undeserved gift of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins. In this sense, our worship is also missional. The Good News of Jesus’ death is proclaimed at every service in the hopes that unbelievers will be converted and see their eternal destinies changed.

Our time with God in the sanctuary largely consists of singing, chanting, reciting and hearing various Biblical passages. Old Testament worshippers frequently praised God by responsively chanting the Psalms or hearing a reading from the Torah. We too, preserve these elements seeing them as a connection between us and those who once looked ahead to the coming of God’s Messiah.

If you’ve found traditional worship to be empty or unspiritual, then we would invite you to join us for another look. Acts 10:43 states, “The Spirit fell on all who heard the Word.” We believe the simple Word alone has power in and of itself to accomplish God’s desire (Isaiah 55:11) and to open our hearts to Him (Acts 16:11). As our mouths say back to Him what He has first said to us in Scripture, we repeat what is most true and sure. The rhythm of worship is first from Him to us, and then from us back to Him.

Our focus in worship is on Christ alone and reflects the Lutheran church’s central belief that “There is no other name given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). As Martin Luther stated to the church of His day who sought to teach differently, “Here I stand. I can do no other.”

Please join us to discover the beauty, reverence and awe of structured worship that proclaims the Good News of your Savior’s sacrifice on your behalf.


In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus graciously feeds the humble sinner with His true body and blood. Since we receive forgiveness, we’re called to engage in a process of self-examination (1 Cor 11:28) as we come to the altar. We believe such an examination can best occur when a communicant has first been taught the basic elements of the Christian faith. As such, we ask for our guests from outside the Lutheran church to first undergo a period of instruction before communing.

Upon completing a time of instruction, participants are brought into membership and invited to commune. Holy Shepherd also recognizes instruction classes taken at our sister LCMS congregations.


What is the goal or point of the sermon in Lutheran Churches? Our sermons are preached to convert the lost and strengthen those who already believe. Some pastors use sermons as a means of teaching about the Bible. Lutheran pastors do some teaching, but the primary purpose of our proclamation is to share the Good News of Christ’s death upon the cross. This brings the message of salvation to those who haven’t heard it and encourages those who already believe. The way for existing believers to mature in the faith is to talk to them about what Jesus has done for them. As Paul writes, “We preach Christ crucified…” (1 Cor 1:23). Why is the sermon shorter than what I hear elsewhere? The sermon is considered to be a part of the entire service. The celebration of communion, the reading of the word and the singing of hymns are all integral parts of Christian worship. It is not only the sermon that nourishes our faith, but the other parts of the service do as well! What’s more, you’ll find that every portion of our service is derived from the scriptures – from our spoken words to the chanted responses to (of course) the sermon. In fact, each portion of our worship contains the scripture reference right next to it. How do you use scripture in your sermons? Sermons are typically based off of one of three readings from the lectionary. The lectionary is a series of Biblical passages read in a yearly cycle. The readings in the first half of the cycle focus upon the life, death and resurrection of Jesus (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent and Easter). The readings in the second half focus upon the life of the church (Pentecost). In fact, Jesus likely read from a Jewish lectionary in Luke’s Gospel (see Luke 4:16-17). The pastor primarily focuses on that one specific passage of scripture and expounds upon it. He may cite other verses of scripture, but Lutheran sermons typically stay focused on that one passage. We talk about how that passage fits into the wider book in which it is found. We relate it to the life of Jesus and His church and also talk about how it applies to your life. Are your sermons dynamic and cutting edge? Romans 10:17 tells us “Faith comes by hearing” and Isaiah 55:11 says, “So is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” The sermons in our church stay centered upon the simple proclamation of God’s Word. We believe the word engages you simply by reading or hearing it. It doesn’t need our “help” through augmentation. Lutheran sermons contain both Law and Gospel. The Law admonishes us for our sins and brings us to repentance. The Gospel assures us that we are forgiven our sins for Christ’s sake. We leave the service realizing we are sinners loved by Christ and redeemed by His grace. This is what’s most important

Daily Devotions

Please join us every day on our YouTube channel for Daily Devotions. We use the lectionary found in Lutheran Service Book (LSB), which provides daily scripture readings for meditation and prayer. Pastor reads the scripture passage and shares his thoughts on the text. The Lord’s Prayer and a Benediction are also spoken, followed by announcements about upcoming events in our ministry. On Tuesdays, Pastor is joined by our Deaconess for one of the shorter devotional services in LSB. Our devotions last ten minutes, but many people find them to be quite meaningful.

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